Mensagens e Frases com a tag: #ingles
Pesquisar MensagensThe best love is the kind that awakens
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.
#ingles#noahcalhoun#poesiasSonhos e ações
Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words.
Deixe que seus sonhos sejam maiores que seus medos, e suas ações mais altas que suas palavras.
I was born with an enormousneed for affection
"I was born with an enormousneed for affection, and a terrible need to give it." -
#audreyhepburn#inglesAmar a vida
I have found that If you love life, life will love you back.
Eu descobri que se você ama a vida, a vida te ama de volta.
What the hell is that
What the hell is that? = Djiabéisso homi?
Hurry up! = Avia, homi!
Take it easy! = Se aperrei nao!
Don"t be stupid! = Deixe de ser burro!
Let"s go, fellows! = rumbora simbora…
She smiles and the world changes color
She smiles and the world changes color. (Ela sorri e o mundo muda de cor.)
#ingles#legaisIf you love someone
If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the groun…
#poesias#greysanatomy#inglesAs vezes e melhor mesmo chorar longe dos olhares do mundo
"As vezes e melhor mesmo chorar longe dos olhares do mundo.
Pois o mundo pode naum entender o motivo das nossas lágrimas."
How can I believe in God when just
How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?"
#ingles#woody#citacoes#woodyallen#humor#comicas#allenPensando em você
One day I caught myself smiling for no reason, then I realized I was thinking of you.
Um dia eu me peguei sorrindo sem motivo, então eu percebi que estava pensando em você.
When your legs are tired
When your legs are tired, walk with your heart.
#levantar#livro#autoestima#paulocoelho#elevada#alquimista#paulo#ingles#coelhoEvery time I see you
Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.
(Toda vez que te vejo, eu me apaixono novamente)
Always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the bright side of life (Veja sempre pelo lado bom da vida.)