As vezes e melhor mesmo chorar longe dos olhares do mundo
"As vezes e melhor mesmo chorar longe dos olhares do mundo.
Pois o mundo pode naum entender o motivo das nossas lágrimas."
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Pra onde foi o amor Ninguem mais ama
Pra onde foi o amor
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Pela verdade
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Parei pra pensar<…
You might live over
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#teresateth#poesias#inglesI wanted his body more than anyone and your soul more anyone I wanted your love I search your love tried to break the ice and all I got was this
I wanted his body more than anyone
and your soul more anyone
I wanted your love
I search your love
tried to break the ice
and all I got was this
was comical
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
E Se o Sol não iluminar o dia
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mesmo assim o Meu amor Por você será sem limites Te Amo e nada vai mudar O que sinto…
Dance Me To The End Of Love
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