As vezes e melhor mesmo chorar longe dos olhares do mundo

As vezes e melhor mesmo chorar longe dos olhares do mundo

"As vezes e melhor mesmo chorar longe dos olhares do mundo.
Pois o mundo pode naum entender o motivo das nossas lágrimas."

#poesias#ingles#paulolove#olhares 285

Mensagens Relacionadas

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i miss you,So, miss…

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Just keep moving forward and don't give a

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Eu seria a pessoa mais feliz do mundo

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Você já consegue amar de novo

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Sempre consegui,eu só nunca quis
Porque eu queria que meu 1° amor
durasse um pouco mais
Agora nada mais importa,
A vida me ensinou a Jogar<…

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I speak of love that comes to mind: The moon is faithful, although blind; She moves in thought she cannot speak. Perfect care has made her bleak.

I speak of love that comes to mind:
The moon is faithful, although blind;
She moves in thought she cannot speak.
Perfect care has made her bleak.
I never dreamed the sea so dee…

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