A favorita do meu MP3 Player para longos

A favorita do meu MP3 Player para longos percursos é “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”, dos rapazes dos Stones.
Você não precisa de análises, conselhos ou guias, quando tudo se resume naquele refrão te dizendo Você não pode ter tudo aquilo que você quer.
Mas você pode tentar, às vezes.
(Tudo um dia pode acabar)

#poesias#ingles#gabitonunes 248

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You do not have to love what is

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What the hell is that

What the hell is that? = Djiabéisso homi?
Hurry up! = Avia, homi!
Take it easy! = Se aperrei nao!
Don"t be stupid! = Deixe de ser burro!
Let"s go, fellows! = rumbora simbora…

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and your soul more anyone
I wanted your love
I search your love
tried to break the ice
and all I got was this
was comical

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Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want

Tell me what you want, but have the decency to look into my eyes while talking and have the courage to hear my answer.


And Because Love Battles

And Because Love Battles
And I in these lines say:
Like this I want you, love,
love, Like this I love you,
as you dress
and how your hair lifts up
and how…

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