"It is a simple physiological fact that your whole skin breathes – inhales, exhales – not just your nose.
If a thick paint is put on your body so that all possibilities of inhaling and exhaling are stopped, and your nose is left open – you will still die in three hours.
Just the nose is not enough.
It is the most important part, but it is not enough.
Your whole body consists of almost seven billion living cells.They all need oxygen and they all need to throw out carbon dioxide.
Your clothes are preventing it.
Your clothes are not your friends.
But because of thousands of years of using clothes, your bodies have become weak, so you will have to use them.
But once in a while, when the season allows you and there are no fanatics around, just be as God has sent you – utterly naked – and you will feel a new release of life, youthfulness, freshness.
The sun is your friend.
The wind is your friend; the rain is your friend.
Your clothes are your enemies.
But now, because you have become weak – man is today the weakest animal in existence – you will have to use clothes.
Use clothes… but once in a while, give a chance to the body to have its natural right."

#osho 201

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