Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed
Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
#pensamentos#maotsetung#ingles#politicos 258Mensagens Relacionadas
She longed to know what at that moment
She longed to know what at that moment was passing in his mind; in what manner he thought of her. and whether, in defiance of every thing, she was still dear to him.
#ingles#jane#prideandprejudicejaneausten#poesias#austenDon't take life so seriously
Don't take life so seriously, life is a crazy adventure, where we'll never get out alive!!
#dizeres#bob#ingles#bobmarley#poemas#marley#versosWhen kids get angry
When kids get angry, they deal with it in one of two ways. They either hurt themselves, or they hurt someone else
#ingles#teenwolfAnd I know I have spent every life
And I know I have spent every life before this searching for you. Not someone like you, but you, for your soul and mine must always come together.