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A arte diz o indizível

A arte diz o indizível

A arte diz o indizível; exprime o inexprimível, traduz o intraduzível.


Love sees with the heart and not with the eyes

Love sees with the heart and not with the eyes.
(O amor é visto com o coração e não com os olhos.)

(…Continue Lendo…)

"Nothing will benefit Human Helath and INCREASE chances
for survival on Life on Earth as much as the evolution a vegetarian diet.

"Nothing will benefit Human Helath and INCREASE chances for survival on Life on Earth as much as the evolution a vegetarian diet.

"Nothing will benefit Human Helath and INCREASE chances
for survival on Life on Earth as much as the evolution a vegetarian diet.
By Albert Einsteien

Não namore o capitão do time

Não namore o capitão do time

Não namore o capitão do time, seja o capitão do time.



Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.
