Mensagens Relacionadas

Essa é uma das coisas que as pessoas
Essa é uma das coisas que as pessoas nao nos ensinam quando falam de crescer: como lhe dar com as dores que nao passam com um beijo.
"Nothing will benefit Human Helath and INCREASE chances for survival on Life on Earth as much as the evolution a vegetarian diet.
"Nothing will benefit Human Helath and INCREASE chances
for survival on Life on Earth as much as the evolution a vegetarian diet.
By Albert Einsteien

When kids get angry
When kids get angry, they deal with it in one of two ways. They either hurt themselves, or they hurt someone else
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.
When I follow my heart
When I follow my heart, it leads me to you.
(Quando eu sigo meu coração, ele me leva até você.)

Mistakes are
Mistakes are, after all, the foundation of truth. If a man does not know what something is, it is an advance in knowledge to know what it is not.