Frases Legais em Inglês

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Feet on the floor

Feet on the floor, head held high and faith in life. (Pés no chão, cabeça erguida e fé na vida.)

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When you don’t take any risks

When you don’t take any risks

When you don’t take any risks, you risk everything. (Quando você não arrisca nada, você arrisca tudo.)


Never stop dreaming

Never stop dreaming. (Nunca pare de sonhar.)

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Sometimes you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company

Sometimes you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company

Sometimes you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company. (Às vezes você só precisa desligar e desfrutar de sua própria companhia.)


Happiness will find me

Happiness will find me, leave the past behind me. (Felicidade vai me encontrar, vai deixar o passado para trás.)

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If there are boundaries

If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down. (Se há limites, eu vou tentar derrubá-los.)

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If my intensity is defective

If my intensity is defective, I’m glad it’s not perfect. (Se a minha intensidade é defeito, fico feliz por não ser perfeito.)

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I’m a one way motorway

I’m a one way motorway, I’m a road that drives away. (Sou uma estrada de mão única, sou uma estrada que leva pra longe.)

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I’ve got to be truth to myself

I’ve got to be truth to myself

I’ve got to be truth to myself. (Tenho que ser verdadeiro comigo mesmo.)


I want to celebrate the things that I

I want to celebrate the things that I achieve with all my soul! (Quero comemorar as coisas que consigo com toda a minha alma! )

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Fate loves the fearless

Fate loves the fearless

Fate loves the fearless. (O destino ama os destemidos.)

I want to fly

I want to fly

I want to fly, and never come down. (Quero voar e nunca descer.)


You were born to shine

You were born to shine. (Você nasceu para brilhar.)

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Now I'm stronger than yesterday

Now I'm stronger than yesterday

Now I'm stronger than yesterday. (Agora eu sou mais forte do que ontem.)
