Frases Legais em Inglês

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Everything happens for a reason

Everything happens for a reason

Everything happens for a reason. (Tudo acontece por uma razão.)


I want to celebrate the things that I

I want to celebrate the things that I achieve with all my soul! (Quero comemorar as coisas que consigo com toda a minha alma! )

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I’m a one way motorway

I’m a one way motorway, I’m a road that drives away. (Sou uma estrada de mão única, sou uma estrada que leva pra longe.)

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I swear I don't love the drama

I swear I don't love the drama

I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me. (Eu juro que não o ama o drama, ele que me ama.)

Now I'm stronger than yesterday

Now I'm stronger than yesterday

Now I'm stronger than yesterday. (Agora eu sou mais forte do que ontem.)

Oh baby

Oh baby

Oh baby, you should go and love yourself. (Ah querida, você deveria simplesmente amar a si mesma.)


Life is short

Life is short! Type fast!
(A vida é curta! Digite rápido! )

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Be more soul and learn with simplicity

Be more soul and learn with simplicity

Be more soul and learn with simplicity. (Seja mais alma e aprenda com a simplicidade.)


Don’t be afraid to give up the good

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. (Não tenha medo de desistir do bom para perseguir o ótimo.)

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Happiness will find me

Happiness will find me, leave the past behind me. (Felicidade vai me encontrar, vai deixar o passado para trás.)

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Tomorrow is another day

Tomorrow is another day. (Amanhã é outro dia.)

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Feet on the floor

Feet on the floor, head held high and faith in life. (Pés no chão, cabeça erguida e fé na vida.)

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Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another

Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another. (Pobre é o homem que seu prazer depende da permissão do outro.)

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My heart is growing strong

My heart is growing strong

My heart is growing strong. (Meu coração está crescendo forte.)
