Frases Legais em Inglês

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I want to celebrate the things that I

I want to celebrate the things that I achieve with all my soul! (Quero comemorar as coisas que consigo com toda a minha alma! )

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If my intensity is defective

If my intensity is defective, I’m glad it’s not perfect. (Se a minha intensidade é defeito, fico feliz por não ser perfeito.)

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Oh baby

Oh baby

Oh baby, you should go and love yourself. (Ah querida, você deveria simplesmente amar a si mesma.)


Life is short

Life is short! Type fast!
(A vida é curta! Digite rápido! )

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My heart is growing strong

My heart is growing strong

My heart is growing strong. (Meu coração está crescendo forte.)

I want to fly

I want to fly

I want to fly, and never come down. (Quero voar e nunca descer.)


Make every moment of your life worthwhile

Make every moment of your life worthwhile. (Faça cada instante da sua vida valer a pena.)

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