
I ask your pardon for loving you suddenly
Although my love
is an old song in your ears
Of hours spent in the shadow of your gestures
Drinking in the scent of your mouth smiles
The nights that I lived cherishing
By the grace unspeakable
of your footsteps forever fleeing
I bring the sweetness
who accept wistfully.
And I can tell you
that the great affection that let you
It brings the tears of exasperation
nor the fascination of the promises
Neither the mysterious words
the veils of the soul…
It is a quiet, an anointing,
an overflow of fondling
And I only ask that you rested quietly,
very quiet
And let your hands warm at night
find without fatality
the static look of dawn.

#poemas#vinicius#moraes#viniciusdemoraes#cronica 368

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