I do not know reason to love you more than love you
I do not know reason to love you more than love you.
What do you want to tell you more than love,
If you want to tell you is that love?
When you talk, it hurts me that respondas
To which I say and not to my love.
Ah! do not ask anything, before I speak
Insomuch that, if I was deaf,
You hear all the heart.
If I see you do not know who I am: I love.
If I fault […]
… But you do, love, for me faltares
Even though me, because questions -
When should you love.
If you do not love,
It shows you indifferent or do not want,
But thou art like nobody was
For search for love is not love,
And, if I search, it is as if I were only
Someone to tell you who you love.
When I saw you I loved you long before:
Again I find you when I met you.
Born to you before the world.
There is no thing happy or happy hour
I have had in life by
That was not because I foresaw,
Because You Were Sleeping her future.
And I knew him only later, when I saw you,
And I had the best sense to me,
And my background was as a 'strada
Illuminated from the front when
The car turns the corner with lanterns
The way and now the night is all human.
When I was little, I feel
I loved you as far, but far…
Love, says any thing that I feel!
- I understand you do not feel well,
Oh my heart outside!
Fate, daughter of destiny
And the laws that are in the bottom of this world!
What art thou to me that I understand the point
From the feel…?
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Without nothing in return