You might live over
You might live over, not forget to smile, have love and compassion by others.
It's what differentiates us from animals’ irrationals.
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and your soul more anyone
I wanted your love
I search your love
tried to break the ice
and all I got was this
was comical
If you could clear out all that space
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#eatpraylove#ingles#poesiasTrue Love
True Love
Quem sou eu que não me encontro?
Me perdi no seu olhar,
e quando lembro do seu beijo logo bate o desejo de no seu colo repousar. Com você eu aprendi o sentido de amar!
(…Continue Lendo…)
Love is passion
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The moon is faithful, although blind;
She moves in thought she cannot speak.
Perfect care has made her bleak.
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