School failed me
School failed me, and I failed the school.
It bored me.
The teachers behaved like Feldwebel (sergeants).
I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam.
What I hated most was the competitive system there, and especially sports.
Because of this, I wasn't worth anything, and several times they suggested I leave.
This was a Catholic School in Munich.
I felt that my thirst for knowledge was being strangled by my teachers; grades were their only measurement.
How can a teacher understand youth with such a system? .
from the age of twelve I began to suspect authority and distrust teachers.
I learned mostly at home, first from my uncle and then from a student who came to eat with us once a week.
He would give me books on physics and astronomy.
The more I read, the more puzzled I was by the order of the universe and the disorder of the human mind, by the scientists who didn't agree on the how, the when, or the why of creation.
Then one day this student brought me Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.
Reading Kant, I began to suspect everything I was taught.
I no longer believed in the known God of the Bible, but rather in the mysterious God expressed in nature.
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