Mensagens Relacionadas

You’re telling me the things I want to hear

You’re telling me the things I want to hear, but you’re not showing me the things I want to see.
(Você me diz coisas que eu quero ouvir, mas não está me mostrando as coisas que quero ver.)

(…Continue Lendo…)

And in the end

And in the end

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.


The prettiest phrases of love are said in

The prettiest phrases of love are said in the silence of a look.
(As mais belas frases de amor são ditas no silêncio de um olhar.)

(…Continue Lendo…)

Another day

Another day

Another day, another blessing and another chance at life.
(Outro dia, outra bênção e outra chance na vida.)

People should fall in love with their eyes closed

People should fall in love with their eyes closed

People should fall in love with their eyes closed.
(As pessoas deveriam se apaixonar de olhos fechados.)
