Mensagens Relacionadas

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.


Mais forte

You are stronger than you think!
Você é mais forte do que imagina!

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For parting is such a sweet sorrow

For parting is such a sweet sorrow

For parting is such a sweet sorrow, that I should say good bye 'till it be tomorrow. (R&J)

That's the thing about pain

That's the thing about pain

That's the thing about pain…it demands to be felt.

In a sea of people

In a sea of people

In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.
(Em um mar de pessoas, meus olhos sempre vão procurar por você.)


Quem você é

To remeber who you are, you need to forget who they told you to be.
Para lembrar quem você é, você precisa esquecer quem eles mandaram você ser.

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