You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
(Você será o príncipe, eu serei a princesa.
É uma história de amor, querido, apenas diga sim.)

#amor#ingles#taylorswift 191

Mensagens Relacionadas

My night has become a sunny dawn because of you

My night has become a sunny dawn because of you

My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.
(Minha noite se tornou um amanhecer ensolarado por sua causa)


You were made for me and I were made for you

You were made for me and I were made for you.
(Você foi feita para mim e eu fui feito para você.)

(…Continue Lendo…)


You’re perfect to me

You’re perfect to me.
(Você é perfeito para mim.)

(…Continue Lendo…)


Kiss full of color

Kiss full of color, makes me wonder where you've always been.
(Beijo cheio de cores, me faz pensar onde você sempre esteve)

(…Continue Lendo…)

You are my therapy

You are my therapy

You are my therapy, the better half of me!
(Você é minha terapia, a melhor metade de mim! )

Don't want to

Don't want to

Don't want to, but I can't put nobody else above you.
(Não quero, mas eu não consigo colocar ninguém acima de você)
