Follows the flow

Follows the flow.
(Segue o fluxo.)

#ingles#legais 148

Mensagens Relacionadas

Be more soul and learn with simplicity

Be more soul and learn with simplicity

Be more soul and learn with simplicity. (Seja mais alma e aprenda com a simplicidade.)


Life is full of surprises

Life is full of surprises. (A vida é cheia de surpresas.)

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Feet on the floor

Feet on the floor, head held high and faith in life. (Pés no chão, cabeça erguida e fé na vida.)

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Never stop preserving what’s best in you

Never stop preserving what’s best in you. (Nunca deixe de preservar o que há de melhor em você)

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I want to celebrate the things that I

I want to celebrate the things that I achieve with all my soul! (Quero comemorar as coisas que consigo com toda a minha alma! )

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The only way to win is learning quicker than anyone

The only way to win is learning quicker than anyone. (O único jeito de ganhar é aprender mais rápido que qualquer um.)

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