You can't please everyone

You can't please everyone

You can't please everyone.
(Não se consegue agradar a todos.)

#ingles#legais 240

Mensagens Relacionadas

I don’t want anyone bringing the vibes down

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I had to learn how to fight for myself

I had to learn how to fight for myself! (Eu tive que aprender a lutar por mim mesmo.)

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The only way to win is learning quicker than anyone

The only way to win is learning quicker than anyone. (O único jeito de ganhar é aprender mais rápido que qualquer um.)

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Never stop dreaming

Never stop dreaming. (Nunca pare de sonhar.)

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I want to fly

I want to fly

I want to fly, and never come down. (Quero voar e nunca descer.)


I can't get tired of you

I can't get tired of you. We are better together! (Eu não me canso de você. Nós somos melhores juntos.)

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