I want you all to myself

I want you all to myself

I want you all to myself, don't leave none for nobody else.
(Eu quero você só para mim, sem deixar nada para mais ninguém)

#amor#ingles 255

Mensagens Relacionadas

It's a love story baby

It's a love story baby, just say yes
(É uma história de amor baby, apenas diga sim! )

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I’d loved you from the fist sight

I’d loved you from the fist sight.
(Eu te amei desde a primeira vista.)

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My whole life i've dreaming about you

My whole life i've dreaming about you. You are a dream coming true.
(Minha vida inteira eu sonhei com você. Você é um sonho se tornando realidade.)

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You’ll always be the one for me

You’ll always be the one for me

You’ll always be the one for me.
(Você sempre será a única/único para mim.)


From the first time that you touched my hands

From the first time that you touched my hands, I knew I was born to be yours.
(Desde a primeira vez que você tocou em minhas mãos, eu sabia que nasci para ser seu)

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Where there is love

Where there is love, there is life!
(Onde há amor, há vida! )

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