Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.
#vida#amor#carinho#irmao#filha#ex#lindas#alegria#gravidez#poemas#reflexao#poema#ingles#pabloneruda#alegres#escritores#inspiracao#menina#famosos#estimulo#poeticas#pablo#neruda#intensas#20anos#usadas#felizaniversario 629Mensagens Relacionadas
Everyone wants happiness without any pain
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How can I believe in God when just
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Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
Prodigious birth of love it is to me
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Faith is taking the first step
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#martinlutherking#inglesPeople should fall in love with their eyes closed
People should fall in love with their eyes closed.
(As pessoas deveriam se apaixonar de olhos fechados.)
Se Deus criou as pessoas para amar e as coisas para cuidar
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