Ah o amor
Ah o amor… que nasce não sei onde, vem não sei como, e dói não sei porquê.
#namoro#namorado#amar#irma#amor#casamento#declaracao#homem#curtas#inicio#noivado#pessoas#poemas#curtos#votos#luisdecamoes#efeito#ingles#conquistar#refletir#luis#porque#rima#citacoes#recemcasados#garota#distantes#poetas#portugueses#reflexoes#camoes#conhecidos#sonetos#trechos#amado#reflexiva 0.9KMensagens Relacionadas

It is not our abilities that show us what we truly are
It is not our abilities that show us what we truly are; it's our choices.
#dumbledore#harrypotter#ingles#alvodumbledoreBe grateful for everything in your life
Be grateful for everything in your life, good and evil, past and present. Everything made you be the person you are today.(Seja grato por tudo em sua vida, o bem e o mal, o passado e o presente. Tud…
Be the kind of person that you want to meet
Be the kind of person that you want to meet.
America is the only country that went from
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.”