I give all my love to you

I give all my love to you.
(Eu te dou todo o meu amor.)

#amor#ingles 229

Mensagens Relacionadas

I can't promise to solve all your problems

I can't promise to solve all your problems, but I can promise you won't face them alone.
(Não posso prometer resolver todos os seus problemas, mas posso prometer que você não vai enfrentá-los sozinho)

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The good things in life are better with you

The good things in life are better with you!
(As coisas boas da vida são melhores com você! )

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I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend.
(Tenho sorte de estar apaixonado pelo meu melhor amigo.)

I love everything that we built together

I love everything that we built together

I love everything that we built together! Our love is strong and mature.
(Eu amo tudo o que construímos juntos! Nosso amor é forte e maduro.)


You make me feel like a princess

You make me feel like a princess.
(Você me faz sentir uma princesa.)

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My love for you knows no bounds

My love for you knows no bounds.
(Meu amor por você não tem limites.)

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