The only way to win is learning quicker than anyone

The only way to win is learning quicker than anyone.
(O único jeito de ganhar é aprender mais rápido que qualquer um.)

#ingles#legais 191

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Be and honor the person you are

Be and honor the person you are

Be and honor the person you are. (Seja e honre a pessoa que você é)


Tomorrow is another day

Tomorrow is another day. (Amanhã é outro dia.)

(…Continue Lendo…)

Got nothing to lose and nothing to prove

Got nothing to lose and nothing to prove

Got nothing to lose and nothing to prove! (Não tenho nada a perder e nada a provar! )


When we have each other

When we have each other, we have everything. (Quando temos uns aos outros, temos tudo.)

(…Continue Lendo…)

Oh baby

Oh baby

Oh baby, you should go and love yourself. (Ah querida, você deveria simplesmente amar a si mesma.)

I’ve got to be truth to myself

I’ve got to be truth to myself

I’ve got to be truth to myself. (Tenho que ser verdadeiro comigo mesmo.)
