Don't want to

Don't want to

Don't want to, but I can't put nobody else above you.
(Não quero, mas eu não consigo colocar ninguém acima de você)

#amor#ingles 268

Mensagens Relacionadas

The best thing in life is to love and to be loved

The best thing in life is to love and to be loved.
(A melhor coisa da vida é amar e ser amado.)

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I can't promise to solve all your problems

I can't promise to solve all your problems, but I can promise you won't face them alone.
(Não posso prometer resolver todos os seus problemas, mas posso prometer que você não vai enfrentá-los sozinho)

(…Continue Lendo…)

Knowing you was the best thing that ever happened to me

Knowing you was the best thing that ever happened to me

Knowing you was the best thing that ever happened to me.
(Te conhecer foi a melhor coisa que aconteceu na minha vida.)

Cause you're amazing just the way you are

Cause you're amazing just the way you are

'Cause you're amazing just the way you are.
(Você é maravilhosa do jeito que você é.)


I give all my love to you

I give all my love to you.
(Eu te dou todo o meu amor.)

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Our relationship was meant to be

Our relationship was meant to be. Something that was written in the stars and drawn into our destiny.
(Nosso relacionamento era para ser. Algo que foi escrito nas estrelas e atraído para o nosso destino)

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