Only you give me this intense feeling that I just can't explain
Only you give me this intense feeling that I just can't explain.
(Só você me dá esse sentimento intenso que eu simplesmente não consigo explicar)
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The best thing in life is to love and to be loved
The best thing in life is to love and to be loved.
(A melhor coisa da vida é amar e ser amado.)

Knowing you was the best thing that ever happened to me
Knowing you was the best thing that ever happened to me.
(Te conhecer foi a melhor coisa que aconteceu na minha vida.)
The taste
The taste, the touch, the way we love. It all comes down to make the sound of our love song.
(O sabor, o toque, a maneira como amamos. Tudo isso faz o som da nossa canção de amor)
Every time I see you
Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.
(Toda vez que te vejo, eu me apaixono novamente)