Mensagens Relacionadas

Every person deserves someone who makes them smile

Every person deserves someone who makes them smile and laugh at their worst moments. We all deserve something better.
(Toda pessoa merece alguém que a faça sorrir e rir nos seus piores momentos.…

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Let me tell you a secret I have a

"Let me tell you a secret
I have a little beautiful story
With you my love, my girl
You're owner of my choices
I can say everything about you
And everything to me will be…

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That’s one thing I learned from Blair

That’s one thing I learned from Blair

That’s one thing I learned from Blair. You don't give up on the people you love.


I love my life because my life is you

I love my life because my life is you.
(Eu amo minha vida porque minha vida é você.)

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Death is not the greatest loss in life

Death is not the greatest loss in life

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.


Everyone wants happiness without any pain

Everyone wants happiness without any pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.
(Todo mundo quer a felicidade sem qualquer dor, mas você não pode ter um arco-íris sem um pouco de …

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