- Love of friends - 08/14
- Love of friends - 08/14
The ones you can share your life with
You can trust your secrets
Real friends can be forever, but thats not a rule.
You can always be yourself around them,
'Cause they're not gonna judge you,
The moments you spend with them will always be the best,
No matter what you're doing.
All the friends are different,
Some always makes you laugh, no matter what,
Some makes you feel great just for been around,
Some will be always by your side when the things are not going so well,
Others will be by your side just when your life is going great,
And they will make it look even better,
But, when they are not beside you in difficult times,
That doesn't make them bad friends,
Maybe, they just don't know how to lead with your problems,
They are not strong enough for that.
Friend is a friend, doesn't matter how he/she is.
It's easy to realize who is your friend.
If he/she likes to talk to you, likes to stay around, help you with anything
(can be something silly, or small), he/she is probably your friend.
Some friends, after some time,go away
But if that happen, doesn't mean your friendship was not true, real.
You know, sometimes in life, some people show up in our lives
Just to make us happy, or teach us something, make us have great moments.
Cause in life, nothing lasts forever.
Just love.
For example, if you have a friend, and you love that friend, when he/she goes away
If your friendship was true, the love between you two isn't going to end.
You will always miss and remember him/her.
And that's the only thing I know for sure in this life.
Love never ends.
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